We are 17 years old!

Sponsor Support

Sponsorship is one of the possible types of supporting various areas of social life, one of the forms of social investments. It is not altruism, nor philanthropy or patronage. The famous English PR specialist Sam Black even considered that “it would be correct to define sponsorship as a type of entrepreneurial activity”. There are often two extremes related to the sponsorship in Russia. The first extreme is when people completely overlook the necessity of the community of interests, and a sponsor is addressed to as a philanthropist: people ask him for money to resolve non-commercial or even personal problems. A kind of “social and cultural innocence” which results in nothing but offence and mutual misunderstanding. The other extreme is when a business carries out a primitive purchase of advertising and other services under the guise of sponsorship.

We are creating and sharing the achievements…

Dominant’s activity reflects the intention to establish strong relations, provide long-term support and create success stories.

Dominant cannot be an outside observer of the changes happening in our country and considers recovery and development of mass sports as one of the most important tasks of reviving the state and upbringing the young generation. Engagement of the youth in sports provides them equal “start in life”. The generation involved into sports always attains high results not only in sports, but also in life and business. That is why our Company is always encouraging a healthy lifestyle, actively participating and supporting many sports projects and events directed at the solution of this problem.

We are proud to have such a possibility – to render feasible support to sport federations, clubs, and associations striving to achieve mental and physical harmony, to develop a sound mind in a sound body. We wish everyone to have a strong faith and belief in themselves and a lot of patience to scale new heights.

Letter of Gratitude form the Administration of the State Institution of the Public Social Service Letter of Gratitude form the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation Administration for Tula Region Letter of Gratitude from the Commander-in-Chief of the internal troops of the RF Ministry of Internal Affairs Letter of Gratitude from the Commander-in-Chief of the internal troops of the RF Ministry of Internal Affairs Letter of Gratitude from the Commander-in-Chief of the internal troops of the RF Ministry of Internal Affairs

Letter of Gratitude form the Dance sport Federation of the "Union of Clubs" - Dance center "Duet"